July 5 – July 17, 2021
Maastricht University
Immediately after the course, on July 19, 2021, there will be a workshop on epistemic game theory at Maastricht University, to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of our EPICENTER. Fore more information about the workshop, please click here.
Register for course: Please register online for the course by clicking here. The registration deadline is June 1, 2021.
Register early: We can only allow 30 students to the course. So please be early with your registration. The first 30 students who register will be able to follow the course.
Registration fee: The registration fee is 80 euros. Please transfer 80 euros, mentioning “EGT course” and your name, to:
Maastricht University
IBAN: NL05 INGB 0657 6187 05, SWIFT (or BIC) code: INGBNL2A
Bank address: ING Bank, Oost-Brabant BB, Schimmelt 36, 5611 ZX Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Beneficiary address: Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
Please mention clearly “EGT course” and your name. Otherwise we cannot trace your payment! The fee has to be paid before June 1st, 2021.
Without the payment of the course fee, your registration is not complete.
Purpose of this course: The EPICENTER, our research center on Epistemic Game Theory at Maastricht University, offers this two-week intensive course as an introduction to the blooming field of Epistemic Game Theory. This field takes a new, fresh approach to game theory, and studies how people reason in game theoretic situations before they eventually make a choice. More precisely, it explores how we reason about the minds of others before we make a choice. Hence, the reasoning of people like you and me is at the center stage of epistemic game theory. For more information about our EPICENTER, please visit our website: http://www.epicenter.name/
Audience: The course is primarily meant for advanced bachelor students, master students and PhD students all over the world, but researchers are also very welcome.
Instructors: The instructors for this course are Christian Bach (University of Liverpool, UK), Stephan Jagau (University of California at Irvine, USA), Shuige Liu (Waseda University, Japan), Niels Mourmans (Maastricht University, Netherlands), Andrés Perea (Maastricht University, Netherlands) and Elias Tsakas (Maastricht University, Netherlands)– all members of our EPICENTER.
Literature: The course will be based on the textbook Epistemic Game Theory: Reasoning and Choice by Andrés Perea (Cambridge University Press, 2012).
If you would like to order the book, please click here. It is highly recommended to purchase this book for the course, as most lectures, and all exercise sessions, will be based on the book.
Organization of the course: The course stretches over 10 days, of which the last day consists of a written exam. Typically, a day consists of two theory lectures, and one exercise session. where the two theory lectures cover one chapter from the book “Epistemic Game Theory: Reasoning and Choice”. In the exercise sessions we will discuss some problems from the book which you should prepare the day before. On day 6 of the course we will offer some theory lectures on more advanced topics, which are not included in the book. On the last Thursday, we will discuss the exam from last year. Your grade will be based on the exam. To pass the exam, you must score at least a 5.5 out of 10. But you are also free to participate without taking the exam.
Certificate: If you attend at least 20 out of 24 sessions, you will receive an official certificate stating that you successfully followed the course. The certificate also states that the workload is 200 hours, which corresponds to 6.5 ECTS. If you successfully take the exam, by scoring at least a 5.5 out of 10, you will receive a special certificate which states that you also took the exam, and it specifies the grade you obtained for the exam. At your home university, this should normally be sufficient to obtain 6.5 ECTS for following the course.
Housing: If you would like to rent a room in Maastricht at a reasonable price during these two weeks, please visit: https://www.maastrichthousing.com/ . They offer rooms / apartments at a very reasonable price per day. On their website, indicate that you are a summer school student.
Previous editions: If you want to see some pictures from previous editions, and want to know which students participated and where they came from, please click here
Questions? If you have further questions, please send an E-mail to Andrés Perea at: course@epicenter.name
Sessions will take place at Maastricht University
School of Business and Economics
Tongersestraat 53
Maastricht, The Netherlands